4th – 2nd cent. B.C.
0.024 m x 0.019 m
Χρυσοστόμου, Π. (2022) Χάλκινο σφραγιστικό δαχτυλίδι από το Αρχοντικό Πέλλας με παράσταση του πρώτου επεισοδίου του αισώπειου μύθου Αλώπηξ και Γέρανος στο Πότνια Πέλλης : Τιμητικός τόμος για τη Μαρία Λιλιμπάκη – Ακαμάτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2022, 201-220
Iron signet ring with engraved scene of a standing male figure
Incomplete bronze signet ring. Ellipsoid bezel with engraved scene of a standing naked male figure, holding a club in one hand and an indistinguishable object (a hunting tool?) in the other. To the right, a crescent moon.
Signet rings with engraved scenes were generally made to be worn as jewellery, signifying the authority, rank, economic, and social status of their owners. Depending on the scene on the bezel, they held religious or protective significance or conveyed a political or other message. They also had sentimental value, especially if they were gifts or heirlooms. Rings and seal stones with relief or engraved depictions of deities, rulers, mythological scenes, or other subjects were used as signature seals and for the personal identification of the wearer or were dedicated to sanctuaries.