Auxiliary facilities of the Sanctuary
In 2020-2021, as part of project “Construction of the Lamia – Xyniada section of the Central Greece Motorway (E65)” and the third sub-project “Archaeological Surveys and Works,” implemented by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Phthiotida and Evrytania, a rescue excavation was carried out at the “Palaiochori” site in Styrfaka, Phthiotida. This excavation revealed a rectangular building (dimensions 24.50m x 6.20m) dating to the Hellenistic period.
This building is located approximately 500 meters west from reburied antiquities, which were investigated during an earlier phase of the motorway construction (2010-2012) and identified as facilities of a sanctuary dedicated to Demeter and associated deities. A Late Roman cemetery was also investigated at the same site.