
End of the 3rd cent. B.C – middle of the 2nd cent. B.C.

Max. Height:

0.089 m

Max. Preserved Diam.:

0.134 m


Παπασταθοπούλου, Α. (2007), Ελληνιστικός θαλαμωτός τάφος στον Δομοκό στο Αχαιοφθιωτικά Γ’. Πρακτικά του Γ’ Συνεδρίου Αλμυριωτικών Σπουδών, Ιστορία, Αρχαιολογία, Λαογραφία Αχαΐας Φθιώτιδας, 13-15 Οκτωβρίου 2000, 308, Αλμυρός.

Pottery, STYRFAKA 2

Fragment of relief skyphos with narrative representation


      Hemispherical skyphos with relief decoration, fragmentarily preserved. Band with lily flowers under the rim. The base medallion is decorated with a nine-petalled rose and acanthus leaves, followed by a fine undecorated band and an ionic wave band alternating with cinquefoil rosettes and then a band of dolphins swimming right. On the broad band of the body, the repeated subject of an armor (trophy) alternating with a standing pensive bearded male figure wearing a conical cap and short sleeved tunic and resting on a thyrsus.