0.072 m
0.115 m
2nd cent. B.C.
Sinn, U. (1979), Die Homerischen Becher : Hellenistische reliefkeramik aus Makedonien, Berlin, 78-79
Νασιούλα, Μ. (2013) Ποτήριον Γραμματικόν : Ελληνιστικά ανάγλυφα αγγεία με ενεπίγραφες διηγηματικές παραστάσεις, Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Θεσ/νίκη, τόμος Β’, 35-37
Fragment of a relief inscribed skyphos with a narrative representation from the Iliad
Fragment of a hemispherical clay relief skyphos featuring a narrative scene with inscriptions inspired by Homer’s Iliad. In the main zone, beneath the rim, we see four scenes from left to right:
Scene 1st: A protruding hand holding a round shield and possibly a spear. Part of the helmet is visible.
Above the figure, the inscription reads [….] ΛΕΥC=[Αχιλ]λεύς
Scene 2nd: A group of two male figures. One of them, bearded, is depicted in profile facing left, with one hand extended and the other holding a weapon (spear?) and clutching on his chest a warrior figure wearing a helmet, breastplate, and round shield. The warrior has his right hand raised. The figures are identified with two inscriptions: «ΠΟCΕΙΔωΝ» (Poseidon) above the head of the first figure and «ΑΙΝΕΙΑC» (Aeneas) near the second figure.
The first and second scenes refer to the clash between Achilles and Aeneas and the rescue of the latter by the god Poseidon (Iliad, Book 20).
Scene 3rd: Two male figures facing each other, one wearing a helmet with armor, and holding a spear in his left hand, identified as Achilles (ΑΧΙΛΛΕΥC) by the inscription above his head. The second figure, bearded, wearing a chiton and himation, with his right hand raised in a scene of farewell, is identified as Ajax (ΑΙ ΑC) by the inscription.
This scene likely refers to the embassy sent to appease Achilles, one of whom was Ajax. (Iliad, Book 9)
Scene 4th: A raised hand holding a small sword and possibly a shield. Above the sword is an inscription identifying the figure as «ΑΧΙΛΛ[…]=Αχιλλ[εύς].