3rd cen. B.C.
Φίλης, Κ. (2016) Εμπορικοί αμφορείς: Από την παραγωγή μέχρι την κατανάλωση στο Ηχάδιν ΙΙ, Τιμητικός τόμος για την Στέλλα Δρούγου, 786-806.
Ασημακοπούλου, Στ. στο https://www.archaiologia.gr/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/47-17.pdf
Sharp-bottomed unpainted amphora
This type of amphorae can be considered either commercial or storage vessels. They are mass produced utilitarian items and are commonly found in excavations of settlements. Upon reaching their final destination, they could be used for storing solid or liquid goods in shops or homes.
Such storage amphorae were placed on wooden tripods with four legs, ring-shaped clay supports, or even in holes in the ground. The design of these amphorae is functional, featuring two vertical handles, a piston at the base, and a wide mouth that could be sealed with a stopper for safer transportation and better preservation of their contents.